To Bilkent’s International Relations Students,
As a student of international relations, I find the representation of our field had been unsatisfactory and inadequate. Our representation had been misused and had been attempted to reduce its significance. Our field and we had not been represented legitimately; therefore, our wills, desires and demands were not delivered. However, I desire for this situation to be resolved in this election, as we are entitled to a proper representation. Therefore, I stand as a candidate for our beloved field and, most importantly, we, the students of International Relations, to not be ignored. As I have stated, our desires, our demands, and we are here. I do not wish for this position to be manipulated. For that reason, even if I am not elected, it is detrimental for International Relations, for us and for our university to have a representative who would represent us. In this message, I will not praise or try to prove myself for this role. Because we are the judges for this role. Our decision will be the proof. For this reason, you, a respected student of international relations, reading this message: For us, for our field and our university, make your decision!
Bilkent University International Relations Representative Candidate,
Taha Kağan Güneş
Geleceğin idarecileri, diplomatları ve her alanda imrenilen Uluslararası İlişkiler öğrencileri,
Ben, sizlerden biri olan 2. sınıf öğrencisi Alperen Turan. Hepimizin bildiği üzere, Öğrenci konseyi seçimleri kapıda. Her ne kadar hepimiz Türkiye'nin en başarılı okullarından birinin öğrencisi olsak da, okulumuzun çeşitli noktalarda birçok eksikliğinin bulunduğunun farkındayız. Ben, hayatlarımızı zorlaştıran bu sorunların bir parçası olarak değil, çözümün bir parçası olarak kabul ediyorum. Önümüzdeki sıkıntıların, öğrenciler ve okul idaresinin birlik olarak çözebileceğini düşünüyorum. Öğrenci konseyi ise bu bağlamda, öğrencilerin isteklerine karşılık verebilecek bir oluşum olarak Uluslararası İlişkiler öğrencilerinin temsilcisini bekliyor. Sosyal alanlarda daha kuvvetli, imkanlar açısından mağdur edilmemiş ve hem akademik kadrolarla hem de idari kadrolarla arasında bir duyarsızlık olmayan bir üniversite ve bölüm içerisinde eğitim hayatımızı sürdürmemiz, benim için temel bir felsefedir. Bu süreçte hepinizin desteğini bekliyorum.
International Relations students admired in every field,
I am Alperen Turan, a second-year student and one of you. As we all know, the student council elections are coming. For me, it is a core philosophy that we continue our education in a university where social opportunities are strong, students are not deprived of resources, and there is no disconnect between the academic and administrative staff.I need your support in this.
Hi, I’m Aral Çağan Yurtseven, a junior International Relations student. My main motivation for running for Student Council Representative is to make the voices and demands of my classmates heard. As an International Relations student, I believe that we should be as concerned about our campus as we are about the world. In order to do this, my primary goal will be to increase social cohesion among IR students by involving them in the decision-making mechanism. I strongly support the currently developing student solidarity on our campus and believe that more students should be involved in the issues which affect us. I won’t lack accountability, which was the main problem of the previous representatives, since I promise transparency and chance to find me in the A building whenever you need.