Bölüm Temsilcileri Aday Listeleri / Department Representative Candidates Lists

 İnsani Bilimler Ve Edebiyat Fakültesi / Faculty Of Humanities And Letters
 Amerikan Kültürü Ve Edebiyatı / American Culture And Literature
 Aday Listesi (soyad / ad sırasında) / Candidates (in the order of lastname, name)

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  Hüseyin Kenan Soylu
Merhaba sevgili sınıf arkadaşlarım,

Benim adım Hüseyin Kenan Soylu ve Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı bölüm temsilciliği için adayım. 2. Sınıf öğrencisiyim ve kampüste yaşıyorum. Şu ana kadar Bilkent Üniversitesinde okumakta ve sizinle zaman geçirmekten memnunum. Bu tarz bir üniversitede doğru temsil edilmenin önemli olduğunu biliyorum ve sizi doğru temsil etmek için elimden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya hazırım. Gerektiğinde sizin hakkınızı savuncağıma, sizin fikirlerinizi kendi fikrimi savunur gibi savunacağıma söz veriyorum.

Teşekkür ederim

Hello my fellow classmates,

My name is Hüseyin Kenan Soylu and I’m candidate for representative for American Culture and Literature. I’m sophomore and I live in campus. I’m glad to study in Bilkent University and spend time with you. I know that representation in this kind of university is crucial and I am ready to do more than everything that I can to represent you accordingly. When necessary, I promise to defend your rights, and your ideas like defending my rights and ideas.

Thank you
  Muhammed İkbal Yıldırım
Hello Dear Friends,

I am Muhammed İkbal Yıldırım, a third year student in the American Culture and Literature Department at Bilkent University, and I have decided to run for the position of Student Department Representative this year.

I believe that having a strong student community in our department is essential for making our voices heard and acting more effectively together. In this role, my goal is to listen to your thoughts and suggestions, strengthen communication between departments, and work on solutions to our common issues.

I look forward to your support in becoming the voice of our department and building a better student life together. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me anytime.

Thank you and best regards,

Muhammed İkbal Yıldırım
Candidate for Student Department Representative
Bilkent University American Culture and Literature

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