Bölüm Temsilcileri Aday Listeleri / Department Representative Candidates Lists

 Fen Fakültesi / Faculty Of Science
 Moleküler Biyoloji Ve Genetik / Molecular Biology And Genetics
 Aday Listesi (soyad / ad sırasında) / Candidates (in the order of lastname, name)

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  Kerem Elmacı
Hello everyone, my name is Kerem Elmacı, and I'm a 3rd year MBG student. I am a Student Department Representative candidate. I believe I am a suitable candidate because of my passion, and determination to make sure the voices of my department are heard in the Student Council, and my openness, accessibility, and approachability, which, in my opinion, are important for my duty of identifying the problems of my classmates and listening to them. My goals include: to create an open, and more regular relations between our esteemed academicians, and the students in our department, in which there is a feedback-based environment to discuss what is best for everyone involved, and how to improve the department as best as we can.

Herkese merhaba, ben Kerem Elmacı, 3. sınıf MBG öğrencisiyim. Bölümümüzdeki öğrencilerin Öğrenci Konseyi'ndeki sesi olmakta istekliyim ve öğrenciler olarak bizlerin fikirlerini, haklarını savunmakta kararlıyım. Ulaşılabilir biriyim ve fikirlere, geri bildirime açığım; arkadaşlarımın sıkıntılarını belirleme ve onları dinleme rolümde bu özelliklerimin çok önemli olduğunu düşünüyorum. Hedeflerimden biri; değerli akademisyenlerimiz ve öğrenciler olarak bizim aramızda düzenli ve daha açık bir iletişimin kurulabildiği bir köprü oluşturmak, böylece bölümümüzün hep gelişmesi ve problemlerin tartışılıp olası çözümlerin konuşulabileceği bir ortam yaratmak.
  Muhammet Samet Özeren
Dear friends,

I am Samet Özeren, a senior student in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. I am running for the position of department representative in order to better represent you, our department and our needs in the Student Council.

During my department representation period, I will work to bring our department to a better position and make our problems more visible. In addition, I will convey our needs and demands to the decision-making authorities and work to find solutions to our problems. I will organize events to revitalize the social environment in our department and make sure that we all have a more enjoyable academic life.

We can create a better department with your support. For this reason, I invite you all to vote on October 14.

Finally, I would like to remind you that you can always reach me and express your needs and questions.

With love and respect,
Muhammet Samet Özeren

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